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Your Saint Lucian domain name

Prices exclusive of VAT

Domain names in Saint Lucia

TLD Country Registration transfer renewal / yr Update    
Saint Lucia36,48 USD (€ 34,00)36,48 USD (€ 34,00)36,48 USD (€ 34,00)16,10 USD (€ 15,00)
Saint Lucia74,04 USD (€ 69,00)74,04 USD (€ 69,00)74,04 USD (€ 69,00)16,10 USD (€ 15,00)
Saint Lucia74,04 USD (€ 69,00)74,04 USD (€ 69,00)74,04 USD (€ 69,00)16,10 USD (€ 15,00)
Saint Lucia74,04 USD (€ 69,00)74,04 USD (€ 69,00)74,04 USD (€ 69,00)16,10 USD (€ 15,00)
Saint Lucia74,04 USD (€ 69,00)74,04 USD (€ 69,00)74,04 USD (€ 69,00)16,10 USD (€ 15,00)
Saint Lucia74,04 USD (€ 69,00)74,04 USD (€ 69,00)74,04 USD (€ 69,00)16,10 USD (€ 15,00)
Saint Lucia74,04 USD (€ 69,00)74,04 USD (€ 69,00)74,04 USD (€ 69,00)16,10 USD (€ 15,00)  

Register a domain name in Saint Lucia makes registering a domain name in Saint Lucia easy. The extension for domains in Saint Lucia is .lc,,,,,, On this page you'll find prices and possible restrictions that apply to .lc,,,,,,

Extra information for: .lc

The following domain names are blocked or barred from registrations or are reserved (registered) by the Registry:
1. For technical reasons domain names beginning with two characters followed by two dashes are barred from registration.
2. Numbers Used for local emergency calls
3. All number combinations in the format which constitutes or could in the future constitute local or international medical benefits, social security, national ID, Tax ID number
4. Single digits
5. Letters of the alphabet
6. Country codes
7. Example and test domains
8. Misleading Names
9. Second level domains
10. Sub-domains
11. Others
12. Names of Countries

Terms & conditions:

Extra information for:,,,,,

No Restrictions
Terms & conditions:
All prices are excl. VAT and on a yearly basis (unless stated otherwise)! Click here to see the prices incl. VAT.
The amounts in USD are purely informative. The exchange rate date is 24/06/2024.